
Nix and Arthur

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Some character intro stories to get into some of my new Oc's for Shrty's Volatikai verse. There are no physical descriptions, they are a wip so if you want a so so of what Volatikai look like heres the link to the group.

You walk out of the crappy bar where you make a living. Today was another shitty day full of drunk jerks asking you to "Shake dem jugs" while you made drinks. Honestly, you have a guard dog  at home youd like to sick on them. But you would never tell him about it, because you dont like to worry him. Enough about that, this is your introduction! Get to be a lovable character already!

You walk to your car in a totally uninteresting way. You turn it on and it whirs to life, yes in your car you are in control. You go to release the brake, but as you slowly do so you realize you didnt put your seatbelt on. The realization you almost missed this jolts you, and you slam the accelerator, hitting the car in front of yours. You stare at it stupidly for a few seconds before buckling up faster than The Flash on crack, and getting the fuck out of there.

You check your rearview mirrors constantly in a paranoid manner all the way to your house, once you pull up on your driveway you relax and laugh. Laugh like a maniac because suddenly you feel like a badass for commiting a hit and run, even though you were scared shitless all the way here. You stop your slight slip into madness and step out of your car, making your way to your doorstep. You unlock the key and step into your humble abode, to find your guard dog asleep not two feet in. You thought he was nocturnal. You thought wrong, apperantly. You give him a nudge on the ribs with your foot. He grumbles and slowly sits up. Rubbing his eyes he addresses you.

"Oh! Hey Nix your home! How was work?"

He stands, wings stretching as far as the hall allows. Ah yes. His voice is music to your ears after a shit day. Oh and yeah hes not really a dog. Did you forget to mention that? Yes you did, thats not very loveable of you. No he is not your dog. Legally he is yours, and romantically too. He is your pet boyfriend and goddamn that sounds fucked up. In case it makes readers feel any less uncomfortable, you mention that you and he were an item before you put in the papers to own him. Youre not sure this comforts anyone, unless they know about Volatikai. They are exotic pets, even though they are as intelligent as humans. They are fully capable of making decisions and yours is particularly amiable. He is an Arctic, and this strand are commonly known for taking more human like lives. They are "civilized". But in the town where you live, you arent allowed to keep him around without ownership papers and registration so legally he belongs to you. Enough exposition, he asked you a question dont be rude and unloveable.
"It was fine. Just tired as hell though. Why were you sleeping on the floor?" You look up at him quizzically. At 6'2 he dwarfs your 5'5.
"Uh...well I ate the pizza you left in the fridge and I guess it just gave me the itis." The Itis. Awful thing that is, its when you eat too much and it makes you sleepy.
"Oh ok. ate all of it?! Art that was for me too you pig!" You give him a smack on the arm, he flinches and has the balls to look offended, you walk past him to sit angrily on the couch. You have never sat more angrily.
"Welly soooorry, how was I supposed to know? Besides violence is never the answer."
"It was a whole pizza! Only  three slices were gone... and shut up you ate the neighbors chihuahua you cant lecture me! Come here so i can hit you again my feet hurt." He peeks at you from the hall pouting, ears lowered and very obviously displeased that you brough up the Taco incident. You dont care right now though, your body aches and now you have no food to eat away the stress. You close your eyes and a few moments later you hear him walk towards you. You feel his hands and he starts massaging your shoulders, mindful of his claws. You cant help let out a sigh.
"Im sorry I ate the pizza. I know you deserve it more anyway, if you want I could make you a grilled cheese?" He offers, and hes such a sweetie, you know, but you and your unlovable ways you sometimes take out the day's frustrations on him.
"Yeah. Sorry I hit you. Grilled cheese sounds good." He takes his magic hands away with him sadly, though youre not sure how it would work out if he didnt.
"Oh dont worry about that, you hit like a wuss." You immediately reach for a cushion and throw it, but hes in the kitchen safe from your soft cushion vengeance, so you glare in his general direction for a minute. That'll show him.

After he puts his sass in check and you have a belly full of gooey cheese, he gives you eskimo kisses and cuddles with you on the couch. You pet his hair, eliciting purrs and kiss him on the nose. For the first time in this story, you are slightly loveable.

You sit on on the bed, watching Nix move around getting ready for work. You enjoy watching her do this, but its an aquired taste. Aquired after your first year living with her. Youve learned that she will ignore you, she will yell at you and no stunt you pull will get you any positive attention. No, instead you will watch her keeping an eye on everything she picks up and puts down, because in her hurry she forgets where she puts things and you will help her find them. And she will say "Oh my god yesss thank you!" and "Jesus, Art you saved my life". And you will sit there self rightously like you just literally carried her out of a burning building. You stop thinking about burning buildings because sweet cheese on a cracker if she was ever in a fire you would punch that fire. You would save her first, then punch that fire and pee on all its little embers in front of it. You growl a little instinctively, thinking about her in danger.
"Art, babe stop being weird." She says as she zips past you to the bathroom for the umpteenth time. You realize you are being weird and stop it immediately. Punching fires is just silly. She eventually finishes her routine, kisses you on the lips and says her goodbye.
"Bye, babe theres pizza in the fridge if you get hungry. I'll see ya later!"
"Bye!" You smile at her as she leaves the room.

Good shes finally gone, now you can focus on you and all your charming character quirks. Go on be charming!
You head into the kitchen and chug the orange juice in a very non charming way. Some of it spills over your mouth and dribbles unto your now no longer pristine white fur. You put the juice away and use a wet napkin to get the fruit blood off your face and chest. After that you sit around on the couch watching the shopping network. Youre not sure what it is about elderly caucasian women taliking about clothes, but it relaxes you. It's like while you watch this, nothing is wrong with the world and all that matters is whether that reversable rain jacket could be worn succesfully with denim pants. You think it can. The possibilties are endless. After an hour and a half of amazing deals and fashionista old people you head outside. You open the screen door to the small backyard and stretch your wings. You havent flown in quite a bit. You arent allowed to in suburban areas, the only chances you get are when you and Nix go to the park. You like to carry her over the lake and scare the crap out of the water fowl that frequent it. Its all youre allowed to do because eating them would give "a bad impression". You know she's right but still. It'd be nice to get to hunt something instead of picking it out of the fridge. The last time you did, things did not end well, beloved family pet Taco agrees. Or he would if he wasnt dead. You have many regrets and Taco is one of them.
You walk around a bit outside. Its a nice afternoon, just cloudy enough that the sun isnt too bothersome and not cloudy enough to warn of rain. You still keep your head bowed so your bangs cover your eyes a bit though. You dont enjoy the day for long before you hear an insistant yipping from the other side of the fence. The neighbor's new tiny dog Jalapeño barks up a fuss over your presense. You approach the fence and kneel, peeking at the diminutive canine through a small gap in the fence. You poke a clawed finger through and whisper encouragement at him. He considers you for a moment then cautiously gives your claw a sniff. He seems to take a liking to you, as he wags his tail and comes closer. You pet his muzzle and tell him of the Cardigans and boots you saw on T.V. Soon however you are interrupted in your exhilirating converaation by a crying child. You cant really see from where youre kneeling by Jalapeño, but you know it is indeed the youngest of his owners. Seven year old Mathew who was there the fateful day you were caught bloody handed with a dog collar grasped in your claws and who has surely seen you. His father soon comes to his rescue, holding a bat. He pulls Mathew inside and walks towards you. You stand and look at him over the fence, he hits it with the bat and yells at you to "Get out of here! Shoo!"
"Youre going to knock the fence down..."He looks at you aghast that you can speak, hes never heard you before. The man recovers though and continues to make a racket.
"Go on! Get!" Your wings twitch in mild irritation and you turn to walk back inside.
"Fine, but you sir, are rude and you'll have to pay to get that fence fixed if you knock it down." You do hate to back away from someone threatening you like that, but you've caused enough trouble for Nix and you dont want a fight with the neighbor on the list of regrets. You get inside the house and close the screen door.

Later in the day you devour the pizza. After eating you peek out to the backyard and give it another go. You immediately get on all fours so as not to be seen, and make a beeline for the fence. Snack time.
You call Jalapeño over with whispers of  affection. The little dog's ears flick up and he saunters over to you. Once hes close enough you reach under the fence, and you give him a slice of pepperoni. He happily gobbles it down and licks your hand. You smile at him, give him a quick scratch behind the ears and head back inside. You did not eat that dog and anyone who though you would is a person who has a very low opinion of you. You have self control! At least, you can learn it. The last incident was enough to teach you not to eat pets. They almost took you from Nix, could have had you killed too. For a moment, after being given the chance at redemption at least in Jalapeño's buggy eyes, you were the littlest bit charming.
Yep. I dont know if this is terrible xD feel free to give advice, I dont often write so idk what im doing :^) If any one likes it, and i get some positive feedbcak I'll try my best to keep posting it since I write it out anyway :D The Arctic Volatikai featured here is a WIP so i'll have his design up sometime soon :)
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